By now you probably know all about the health benefits of eating crickets (and if you don’t you can check out Cricket Pasta’s nutritional information here). But, do you know about the positive social impacts eating crickets can have?

Here is a quick run-through of another reason why you should be eating crickets (especially crickets grown in places such a Cambodia, Thailand and Laos)!

1.No start-up capital? No problem! Cricket farming requires minimal technology, making it very accessible to the poorest populations. Crickets can be collected, reared and processed easily. Because of this, those that do not have access to much start-up capital can still take part in cricket production. This creates a new source of income.

2. It’s a viable and culturally acceptable option for women and under-represented people. Cricket farming requires much less work than other types of farming. This means that farmers can spend more time with their families. In particular, women that are culturally expected to take care of their families and homes can still participate in cricket farming. This creates extra income and independence for women. Cricket farming is also less strenuous, which makes it a better choice for the elderly and malnourished.

3. Crickets are a great food source for nutritionally at-risk families. With a high level of protein, iron, and omega, these critters can fulfil many nutritional needs. On top of this, it’s a nutrition source that they can easily find at home!

4. It’s sustainable. Small farms allow for sustainable harvesting and a high level of genetic diversity which is crucial for the sustainability in all forms of farming.

5.Cricket farms revitalize disappearing local cultures. Although many in the West would turn up their noses at this delicacy, 80% of the world’s cultures incorporate insects into their diets. Unfortunately, this is slowly dying out as Western attitudes continue to permeate the world. Increasing the demand for insects can help sustain these food cultures.

Overall, the social impacts of eating crickets are quite positive! We hope we’ve convinced you to give them a try!




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